To impart the requisite cash flow analytical skills to the dealing officials from the sales & marketing and credit domains of NBFCs/ HFCs and other Financial Institutions (FIs).
To help the lenders’/ investors’ employees adopt a 360 degree approach in analysing the financials of both retail (MSMEs in the formal and informal segments/ organized and un-organized sectors) and corporate (mid and large) borrowers.
To help the dealing officers suitably structure proposals/ applications, duly taking into account the available security of the borrowers and more importantly, capturing the anticipated future cash flows of the borrowers, in order to avoid the accounts from slipping into the irregular status.
To facilitate the decision makers of these Institutions to take a considered view on retail and corporate lending.
Target audience
Sales and Credit functions of NBFCs/ HFCs/ FIs engaged in the retail and corporate lending space
Private equity investors who wish to invest directly in B2C or B2B businesses or in the NBFCs/ HFCs/ FIs which lend to such borrowers
Course Structure
Duration: 2 days
Day 1
Session 1
Industry Background and Current Status Evaluation Session 2, 3 & 4
Evaluation of the Financial Strength of Retail Borrowers Session 5
Evaluation Case Study of analysis of a Retail Borrower
Day 2
Session 1
Evaluation of the Financial Strength of MSMEs and Corporate Borrowers (Listed/ Unlisted) who submit Printed and Audited Financials for appraisal Sessions 2, 3 & 4
Financial Analysis - A Quick Analysis of the Profit and Loss (P&L) and Balance Sheet (BS) Statements Session 5
Evaluation Case Study
Trainer Profile
He is a senior banker with more than 3 decades of experience in Public sector, private, foreign bank & NBFC. During his career he has set up the Retail Banking Division & was the Country Head of Retail Liabilities & Preferred Banking. He also set up the first metro branch of a leading foreign bank at Chennai, headed the New Products Division & the Internet Banking Division. During his association with these organisations he has managed large corporates, SMEs & MSME’s right from, the marketing, relationship management, credit appraisal & monitoring. Has also held positions at CXO level in a Pharmaceutical Company, Consumer Durable Manufacturer & an Affordable Housing Finance Company. He has been regularly conducting training programmes for large corporates, SME & MSMEs for banks & NBFCs in India. He has also conducted training programmes for the Sri Lankan banks. During his consultancy experience he was instrumental in setting up an export division and restructuring of facilities with the banking system for his MSME & Consumer Durable Company in India.