Publications & Press Releases 

Coalition Greenwich leading data, research and advisory publications and subscriptions to help you stay ahead of the curve on the key trends impacting your business.

The Coalition Index provides a standard, aggregate index and ranking for the overall size and shape of the global corporate and investment banking marketplace and our subscription service includes industry research results, thought leadership and market overviews derived from our continuous interaction within the financial markets and participants.

Widely quoted, Coalition Greenwich is referenced by the worlds' leading financial publications as the authoritative source for corporate and bank performance as well as industry trends.

Coalition Index Reports

Coalition Index reports provide a standard, aggregate index and ranking for the overall size and shape of the global corporate and investment banking marketplace.

Thought Leadership & Insights

Our research and advisory publications and subscriptions to help you stay ahead of the curve on the key trends impacting your business.


Press Releases


Buy-Side Traders Want Better Sell-Side Coverage, but Disagree on What Great Coverage Looks Like

Coalition Greenwich, 18 Jun 2024

More than half of buy-side traders globally struggle to get proper coverage from their brokers - a problem that reflects less on brokers’ commitment to deliver high-quality service, and more on traders’ rapidly evolving coverage needs at a time of technological advancements and changing market structures.

Fully Funded, Many Canadian Pension Plans Push into Private Debt and Other Alts

Coalition Greenwich, 11 Jun 2024

With funding levels at historic highs, Canadian pension funds are pushing into private investments and alternative asset classes with the potential to diversify portfolios and boost future investment returns.

Bond Dealers Increasingly Automate Trading

Coalition Greenwich, 11 Jun 2024

The corporate bond market is undergoing a seismic shift, with nearly 30% of bond dealer trading volume now executed without human intervention, marking a significant milestone in the electronification of fixed-income trading.

Risk Managers Ask for More Firepower

Coalition Greenwich, 04 Jun 2024

Less than half of global risk professionals are confident in their risk management processes during normal market conditions. Meanwhile, fewer than 40% believe their practices are adequate to handle the next unexpected market shock.

Media Contact:

  • Margaret Sadlier
    Communications & PR Manager

    +44 (0) 207 176 1425
    +44 (0) 790 110 7837