Comprehensive support on Credit Risk Oversight for a Large US Insurer
Client: A Large US Insurer
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The client set a series of related objectives:
To set up an effective rating review function to evaluate corporate and structured lending investments and address matters requiring attention (MRA) issued by concerned regulators;
To define the review scope for assessing and validating the adequacy and accuracy of the credit administration department’s rating assignments and ensure adherence to internal credit policies;
To identify relevant trends that affect the quality of the investment portfolio and highlight segments that warrant immediate attention;
To mitigate concerns of senior management and board of directors on portfolio credit quality and timely monitoring.
CRISIL's Solution
Established a dedicated team with strong expertise in credit risk across multiple sectors, including corporates and structured lending instruments
Defined the scope of the rating review to cover all segments of the investment portfolio and conducted the review through sample selection
Conducted independent rating reviews with full ownership and documented procedures that effectively challenged internal rating assignment
Established a system for continuous monitoring of the portfolio and gauging concentration risk
Provided timely, objective and independent assessment reports to senior management on the overall quality of the portfolio and the impact of specific events on the portfolio
Ensured compliance with internal rating guidelines and provided support to enhance the current rating framework
Client Impact
Continuous monitoring of the portfolio and identification of risks that warrant immediate attention
The new efficient review function provides an effective challenge to internal ratings and ensures timely action to minimise losses
Excellent feedback from regulators for designing an effective review system; no new MRA issued
An agile review approach to enhance coverage during credit events
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