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    1. Details of public policy positions advocated by the entity
1 External stakeholders look up to CRISIL as a domain expert and a credible, independent voice. Our engagements may also influence policy and outcomes. In order to ensure that our engagement on public policy matters is responsible, CRISIL has adopted a Framework for Responsible Public Engagement.
It demonstrates what guides us while engaging on public policy matters, the manner of engagement, and sets out the responsible behaviour expected of employees while engaging with regulators, industry or other forums.
Thought leadership
As part of our thought leadership and outreach initiative, we authored several opinion pieces and articles on important industry and regulatory developments, in premier dailies and online platforms. We also contributed as knowledge partners, speakers or panellists at various summits organised by industry associations. During the year, we reached out to over 26,000+ stakeholders, including government officials, policymakers, regulators, corporates, banks, investment banks, MSMEs, industry associations and financial intermediaries in Indian and global markets, through 30 events and 43 webinars hosted by CRISIL and 84 events at which CRISIL experts participated as speakers or panellists.
130+ leading Indian media publications carried our views with over 5,700+ quotes
Client Yes Policy is reviewed publications, annually Newsletters,
media quotes,
events, webinars, speakers
Read our Framework for Responsible Public Engagement
Leadership Indicators
    Sr. no.
Public policy advocated
 Method resorted for such advocacy
 Whether information available in public domain? (Yes/No)
 Frequency of Review by Board (Annually/ Half yearly/ Quarterly / Others
 Web Link, if available
        PRINCIPLE 8: Businesses should promote inclusive growth and equitable development
Essential Indicators
  1. Details of Social Impact Assessments (SIA) of projects undertaken by the entity based on applicable laws, in the current financial year
Not applicable. However, we undertake impact assessment of our CSR projects. Refer Table 24 (a) on Pg. 71 of the Databook.
2. Provide information on project(s) for which ongoing Rehabilitation and Resettlement(R&R) is being undertaken by your entity
Not Applicable.
3. Describe the mechanisms to receive and redress grievances of the community
In areas where the CRISIL Foundation is undertaking long-term CSR projects, an on-ground field team is available at the community level to address and respond to any grievances from the community. This is done either face-to-face within the office premises or over telephonic call — gauging the level of the grievance. In addition, each programme has a designated manager from the CRISIL Foundation, who periodically monitors and interacts with the teams and beneficiaries to gather feedback and address their queries/ concerns, if any.
4. Percentage of input material (inputs to total inputs by value) sourced from MSME suppliers and from within India
Please refer to table no. 24 on pg. no.71 of the ESG Databook.
5. Job creation in smaller towns
Disclose wages paid to persons employed (including employees or workers employed on a permanent or non-permanent / on contract basis) in the following locations, as % of total wage cost
Please refer to table no. 12(a) on pg. no 66 of ESG Databook
          106 ESG Report 2023
 Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report

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