Page 65 - CRISIL ESG Report 2023
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7. Details of remuneration/salary/wages
Board of Directors 6*
Key Managerial Personnel 2
Employees other than BoD & KMP ** 2,484
*Remuneration to MD & CEO has been included in KMP.
2 5,545,000
1 17,770,538
1,611 1,292,872
Median remuneration / Salary / wages of respective category
Median remuneration/ Salary / wages of respective category
**Aggregate number of employees pertain to India employees and are not comparable with the headcount as at December 31, 2023, since the aforesaid data pertains to remuneration paid to employees on-roll during 2023.
7(a) Ratio of remuneration
Ratio of remuneration of MD & CEO to the median remuneration of employees$ 69.63@ 40.69*
*Mr. Amish Mehta was appointed as Managing Director and CEO with effect from October 1, 2021. The ratio indicated above for 2021 is calculated basis the remuneration for the period October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Based on annualized remuneration the ratio will be 10.71.
@Remuneration for 2022 and 2023 covers perquisite value of ESOPs exercised during 2022 and 2023 reporting. Excluding ESOS perquisite value, the ratio of remuneration to median is 51.16 for 2022 and 58.74 for 2023.
$This ratio is derived based on median remuneration for India-based employees only.
7(b) Gross wages paid to females as % of total wages paid by the entity
Gross wages paid to females as % of total wages Note: Includes permanent Indian employees only.
Ethical conduct is central to CRISIL’s value proposition and recognition as an independent and credible analytical organisation, that has led to continued trust from its clientele
Investments in this area will have short-term financial impact, but in the long run will create positive outcomes in the form of improved security and controls
Current FY (2023)
Previous FY (2022)
Overview of the entity’s material responsible business conduct issues
Sr. No.
Material issue identified
Indicate whether risk or opportunity (R/O)
Rationale for identifying the risk / opportunity
In case of risk, approach to adapt or mitigate
Financial implications of the risk or opportunity
(Indicate positive or negative implications)
Ethical conduct Opportunity
Data privacy Risk & information
Materiality assessment helps
in prioritizing the topics and analysing the relevant ESG risks and opportunities that can be integrated in our operations and business activity. CRISIL conducted a materiality re-assessment by revisiting material topics.
The list of top E, S and G topics has been derived through a consultative exercise, wherein the priorities were evaluated in order of their importance to our business and
our stakeholders. The survey was responded by 315 internal and external stakeholders.
Please refer
to the Risks section of the Management Discussion & Analysis Report forming part of CRISIL Annual Report 2023**
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