Decoding fixed income portfolio management - Risk & investment practices

Training dates - March 16-17, 2020

Training location - Mumbai

Training fees - ₹40,000 + applicable taxes






Fixed income has been a key component of portfolios of institutional investors directly or indirectly. The main attraction of fixed income investment is predictable interest and principle cash flows. Market volatility and credit environment however impact predictability of such investment. Overlast 4-5 years there have been instances of credit migrations and defaults which have impacted wealth of investors; volatility in yields has also impacted investors from time to time, in this period. Hence, itis important for investment managers, researchers,and risk professionals among others, to understandthe dynamics of Indian fixed income markets from volatility, liquidity and credit perspectives. Indirect investors, who invest in pooled funds such as mutual funds, in particular need to be acquainted with portfolio management practices followed by asset managers.


CRISIL’s two-day workshop aims at providing deep insights into Indian fixed income markets and portfolio management by asset managers along with relevant practical case studies.


Target Audience


  • Bank treasury - mid office and front office
  • Corporate treasury teams
  • Risk and research teams with AMCs and insurance companies
  • Risk management teams in banks and NBFCs


Course Structure


Duration: 2 Days


Day 1


Session 1

Macro-economics, policies and their linkage with interest rate environment

Session 2

Understanding Indian capital markets

Session 3

Bond mathematics – introduction to pricing & valuation concepts

Session 4

Risk assessmentSession 5SLR ratio securities


Day 2


Session 1

Corporate bond market

Session 2

Fair valuation of debt security and Ind AS perspective

Session 3

Investing in structured instruments

Session 4

Investing in structured instruments

Session 5

Case study