The government thrust, and a slew of policy reforms have put road sector investments in the fast lane. Highway construction activity, that was languishing for 4-5 years, has picked up significant pace in last couple of years.
On the policy front, there have been many changes to address the issues and risks faced by lenders, investors. New business models such as hybrid annuity model (HAM) and toll-operate-transfer (TOT) have evolved and become vehicles to channel investments to the sector.
With so much action on policy front as well investments, this is one sector that needs attention.
CRISIL’s two-day training programme on Roads sector will give you detailed and practical insights to what’s happening in the sector. It will help you understand the recent policy changes and evolving business models, and their impact on the risk-reward dynamics.
The programme leverages on the deep domain expertise of CRISIL’s Research business to help you learn, imbibe and then confidently execute decisions regarding investments in the sector.
The program will cover in granular detail the following:
The implications of new road sector policies
Opportunities in the sector and ways to capitalise on them
The reasons behind the pick-up in project execution
Detail understanding of the Hybrid Annuity – TOT model