Rating Rationale
May 26, 2023 | Mumbai
Sterlite Technologies Limited
Ratings placed on 'Watch Developing'
Rating Action
Total Bank Loan Facilities RatedRs.5792 Crore
Long Term RatingCRISIL AA/Watch Developing (Placed on 'Rating Watch with Developing Implications')
Rs.200 Crore Non Convertible DebenturesCRISIL AA/Watch Developing (Placed on 'Rating Watch with Developing Implications')
Rs.350 Crore Non Convertible DebenturesCRISIL AA/Watch Developing (Placed on 'Rating Watch with Developing Implications')
Rs.90 Crore Non Convertible DebenturesCRISIL AA/Watch Developing (Placed on 'Rating Watch with Developing Implications')
Rs.800 Crore Commercial PaperCRISIL A1+/Watch Developing (Placed on 'Rating Watch with Developing Implications')
Note: None of the Directors on CRISIL Ratings Limited’s Board are members of rating committee and thus do not participate in discussion or assignment of any ratings. The Board of Directors also does not discuss any ratings at its meetings.
1 crore = 10 million
Refer to Annexure for Details of Instruments & Bank Facilities

Detailed Rationale

CRISIL Ratings has placed its ratings on the bank facilities and debt instruments of Sterlite Technologies Limited (STL) on ‘Rating Watch with Developing Implications.


The rating action follows the announcement made by the company on May 17, 2023, regarding receipt of board approval to restructure the business of the company whereby companys global service business (GSB) will be demerged into STL Networks Limited (“Resulting Company”), on a going concern basis, subject to receipt of required approvals. Pursuant to the scheme, the resulting companys shareholding will mirror STL, and its shares will be publicly listed. The demerger is intended to simplify business structure, unlock more growth opportunities and to allocate efficient capital structure.


CRISIL Ratings therefore believes that credit risk profile of STL is likely to benefit from the proposed demerger because of expectation of improvement in business as well as financial risk profiles. This is so because the businesses that would remain under STL is expected to have high operating margins and low working capital requirements. On the other hand, the credit profile of the resulting company is expected to be relatively weaker vis-à-vis STL. Same would however continue to be monitored. CRISIL Ratings understands that a portion of the rated facilities may move under the resulting company, subject to requisite approvals. Thus, CRISIL Ratings will continue to closely monitor the said transaction and will remove the ratings from watch and take a final rating action once there is clarity on movement of these rated facilities and/ or when transaction is concluded. That said, STL will continue to meet the debt servicing obligations on all the rated instruments meanwhile.


STLs consolidated operating revenue and EBITDA from continued operations increased sharply by ~27% and ~29% on-year respectively, in fiscal 2023. The improvement was largely aided by strong uptick in optical fibre cable (OFC) volume and OFC realizations in second half of fiscal 2023. Improvement in EBITDA was driven by product mix shift towards higher margin products and reduction in logistics costs. The overall EBITDA margin remained flattish because of the low profitability of GSB, however, the operating profitability of optical networking business improved sharply by ~460 bps to ~19.2% in fiscal 2023. Strong order book of ~Rs 11,052 crore as on March 31, 2023, indicates healthy revenue visibility in the coming quarters.


The credit profile of STL should also benefit from expected improvement in EBITDA over near term. Large capital expenditure (capex), acquisitions done in the past and stretched working capital cycle on the services side of the business resulted in net debt elevating to around Rs 3,400 crore as on December 31, 2022, from Rs 2,782 crore as on March 31, 2022. However, it has reduced to ~Rs 3,121 crore as on March 31, 2023. The consideration received from selling stakes in some of the unprofitable businesses also helped in reduction of net debt. Furthermore, STL’s board has approved fund raise through equity, which also pave way for further deleveraging although the timing and the quantum is currently uncertain. CRISIL Ratings expects company’s net debt to annualized EBITDA to come around/ below 2.5 times in near term. Improvement in leverage will remain key rating sensitivity factor.


The ratings continue to reflect the dominant market position of STL in the telecommunication (telecom) cables business, strong order book providing healthy revenue visibility, and improving financial risk profile. These strengths are partially offset by large working capital requirement and exposure to intense competition.

Analytical Approach

CRISIL Ratings has combined the business and financial risk profiles of STL and its subsidiaries and joint ventures. STL has significant management control over these entities, which are in the same business and are strategically important to the company.


Please refer Annexure - List of Entities Consolidated, which captures the list of entities considered and their analytical treatment of consolidation.

Key Rating Drivers & Detailed Description


Leadership position in Indian telecom cables business and increasing market share in global markets

STL has strong reputation in the OF and OFC segments in India and abroad, driven by its technically superior products. The company is preferred by OFC manufacturers (for OF) and telecom operators and telecom infrastructure providers (for OFC). Furthermore, it is a one-stop solution for most clients due to its wide range of system integration and software services offerings. STL’s global ex-China OFC market share has improved to 12% in fiscal 2023 from ~9% in fiscal 2022. The market share is expected to improve further going forward aided by various long-term contracts. In fact, STL aims to be among the top three optical fiber makers globally with the full utilisation of capacity added at its global factories and further ongoing expansion at the US manufacturing factory. Moreover, high quality of products, a widespread clientele, and diversified presence across the broadband infrastructure value chain should help the company sustain its strong foothold in the telecom cables industry over the medium term.


Healthy capability and growth prospects with sizeable order book

STL is among the lowest-cost producers of OF and OFC because of extensive backward integration. Manufacturing OF from the preform stage offers advantages in terms of cost and quality. The company has plants for power, nitrogen, and electrolysis to meet its hydrogen and oxygen requirements. Moreover, it has facilities to produce silicon tetrachloride, the basic raw material for quartz glass manufacturing. With expected increase in the penetration of broadband services, ongoing rollout of 5G services, massive investments towards data centres, focus of the government on rural digitisation and implementation of smart-city projects on a large scale, the medium-term demand outlook is healthy.


Orders of ~Rs 11,052 crore (as on March 31, 2023) and improving OF realisations assure substantial revenue visibility over the medium term. Of the total order book, ~55% belongs to the Optical networking, digital & technology businesses. This indicates healthy business prospects for STL even post demerger of GSB from STL.


Improving financial risk profile

Large capex, acquisitions and stretched working capital cycle on the services business resulted in net debt elevating to Rs 3,400 crore as on December 31, 2022, from Rs 2,782 crore as on March 31, 2022. However, it reduced to ~Rs 3,121 crore as on March 31, 2023. Net debt to Ebitda ratio (leverage) improved to ~3.5 times in fiscal 2023, compared to ~3.8 times in fiscal 2022. It is expected to improve sharply to around/ below 2.5 times over near term in line with expected improvement in profitability and modest capital expenditure outlay plans. The companys board also approved fund raising by way of equity, which further pave way for deleveraging. CRISIL Ratings also understands that leverage would improve significantly once GSB is carved out from STL. Same would continue to remain key monitorable. Interest coverage ratio should also remain comfortable at over 5 times in medium term which would also support the financial risk profile.



Exposure to intense competition in the overseas markets

The company derives a large part of its revenue from overseas markets and faces intense competition in the international OF and OFC markets. In the domestic market as well, these segments are susceptible to capex cycles of telecom service providers. Globally, most contracts are finalised through an intensely competitive bidding process, which limits the pricing power of players. However, STL is the largest player and market leader in the domestic market, despite competitive pressure from peers such as Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd, Vindhya Telelinks Ltd, Aksh Optifibre Ltd and Finolex Cables Ltd.


Large working capital requirement

Working capital intensity have risen over past few years and remain elevated because of increased proportion of services business. Working capital requirement is expected to improve significantly once GSB are carved out from STL which would continue to be monitored.  Meanwhile, STL has enough wherewithal to manage short-term cash flow mismatches.

Liquidity: Strong

Liquidity will be supported by expected net cash accrual of over Rs 700-800 crore annually over the medium term, cash balance of around Rs 540 crore as on March 31, 2023, and healthy cushion in bank lines. Against this, the company has term debt repayment obligation of around Rs 675 crore in fiscal 2024. Annual capex of Rs 150-200 crore is expected over the medium term and should be funded largely through internal accrual.


Environment, social, and governance (ESG) profile

CRISIL Ratings believes the ESG profile of STL supports its already strong credit risk profile.


The telecom equipment sector is exposed to material impact on the environment as waste associated with end-of-life network equipment and hardware can pollute land resources. Moreover, optical fibres are vital for ensuring uninterrupted telecom services to society and the economy. STL has continuously focused on mitigating its environmental and social risks.


Key ESG highlights:


  • Company is committed to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. Also, by 2030, STL aim to become water positive across all of their manufacturing locations globally. To achieve this target, STL implemented water-recycling models. All their manufacturing plants in Aurangabad are Zero Liquid Discharge certified. About 6.75 lakh+ m3 of water recycled in manufacturing process over fiscals 2019-2023 and 23,000+ tons of CO2 emissions avoided through energy efficiency measures between fiscals 2021-2023.
  • Five of their six manufacturing units in India are Zero Waste to Landfill certified. Shendra, Waluj cable plant, Rakholi and Dadra plants are level 1 certified for diverting over 99% waste from landfills, Waluj plant has a level 2 certification for diverting over 97% of waste.
  • In FY22, STL released sustainable sourcing policy that focusses on not just green, but responsible procurement. It lays emphasis on adherence to human rights, fair labour practices, gender equality, and other such social elements in addition to environment-related aspects. The company’s efforts increased local procurement of supplies in cable manufacturing from 55% in FY21 to 61% in FY22.
  • At STL, via leadership, employees and talent management initiatives, 44,500 learning hours were clocked in FY22
  • Its governance structure is characterized by 57% of its board comprising independent directors, split in chairman and CEO position, healthy investor grievance redressal and extensive disclosures.

There is growing importance of ESG among investors and lenders. STL’s commitment to ESG principles will play a key role in enhancing stakeholder confidence, given its moderate share of market borrowings in its overall debt and access to both domestic and foreign capital markets.

Rating Sensitivity factors

Upward factors

  • Significant improvement in business risk profile resulting in sustained improvement in EBITDA
  • Considerable improvement in financial risk profile, driven either by increase in cash accrual or through other deleveraging measures resulting in net debt to Ebitda ratio sustaining below 2.5 times


Downward factors

  • Continued pressure on operating margin leading to weak cash accruals
  • Net debt to Ebitda ratio sustaining above 2.5 times due to sustained weak operating performance or high working capital requirement

About the Company

STL is a leading manufacturer of OF and OFC. STL set up a 50:50 joint venture with Conduspar Condutores Eletricos in July 2013 to manufacture OFC in Brazil. In 2015, STL acquired Elitecore Technologies Pvt Ltd, which is a global provider of software products. In 2018, STL acquired Mettalurgica Bresciana, an OFC manufacturer based in Italy.

Key Financial Indicators (Consolidated)






Rs crore




Rs crore



PAT margin








Interest coverage




Note: These are unadjusted numbers

Any other information: Not applicable

Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument:
CRISIL Ratings` complexity levels are assigned to various types of financial instruments and are included (where applicable) in the 'Annexure - Details of Instrument' in this Rating Rationale.

CRISIL Ratings will disclose complexity level for all securities - including those that are yet to be placed - based on available information. The complexity level for instruments may be updated, where required, in the rating rationale published subsequent to the issuance of the instrument when details on such features are available.

For more details on the CRISIL Ratings` complexity levels please visit www.crisilratings.com. Users may also call the Customer Service Helpdesk with queries on specific instruments.

Annexure - Details of Instrument(s)

ISIN Name of instrument Date of
rate (%)
Issue size
(Rs crore)
Rating assigned
with outlook
NA Commercial paper programme NA NA 7-365 days 150 Simple CRISIL A1+/Watch Developing
NA Commercial paper programme NA NA 7-365 days 650 Simple CRISIL A1+/Watch Developing
NA Cash credit NA NA NA 1879 NA CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
NA Letter of credit and bank guarantee NA NA NA 3463 NA CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
NA Proposed Long Term Bank Loan Facility NA NA NA 200 NA CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
NA Term loan NA NA Mar-25 250 NA CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
INE089C07109 Non-convertible debentures 25-Mar-21 8.25 25-Mar-31 290 Complex CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
INE089C07117 Non-convertible debentures 31-Mar-21 7.3 29-Mar-24 150 Complex CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
INE089C07125 Non-convertible debentures 22-Feb-23 9.1 20-Feb-26 100 Complex CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
NA Non-convertible debentures* NA NA NA 100 Complex CRISIL AA/Watch Developing

*Yet to be issued

Annexure – List of entities consolidated

Name of entities Extent of consolidation Rationale for consolidation
Speedon Network Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Telesystems Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Elitecore Technologies (Mauritius) Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Elitecore Technologies Sdn Bhd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Global Ventures (Mauritius) Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Jiangsu Sterlite Tongguang Fiber Co Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Technologies UK Ventures Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Tech Holding Inc Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Technologies Inc Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Technologies SpA Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Metallurgica Bresciana Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Innovative Solutions Ltd  Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Tech Connectivity Solutions Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd Full Strong managerial, operational and financial linkages
Sterlite Conduspar Industrial Ltd Equity method Joint venture: Proportionate consolidation
Annexure - Rating History for last 3 Years
  Current 2023 (History) 2022  2021  2020  Start of 2020
Instrument Type Outstanding Amount Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Rating
Fund Based Facilities LT 2329.0 CRISIL AA/Watch Developing 14-02-23 CRISIL AA/Negative 01-02-22 CRISIL AA/Negative 07-12-21 CRISIL AA/Stable 07-09-20 CRISIL AA/Stable CRISIL AA/Stable
      -- 25-01-23 CRISIL AA/Negative   -- 24-03-21 CRISIL AA/Stable 14-05-20 CRISIL AA/Stable --
      --   --   --   -- 05-03-20 CRISIL AA/Stable --
Non-Fund Based Facilities LT 3463.0 CRISIL AA/Watch Developing 14-02-23 CRISIL AA/Negative 01-02-22 CRISIL AA/Negative 07-12-21 CRISIL AA/Stable 07-09-20 CRISIL AA/Stable CRISIL AA/Stable
      -- 25-01-23 CRISIL AA/Negative   -- 24-03-21 CRISIL AA/Stable 14-05-20 CRISIL AA/Stable --
      --   --   --   -- 05-03-20 CRISIL AA/Stable --
Commercial Paper ST 800.0 CRISIL A1+/Watch Developing 14-02-23 CRISIL A1+ 01-02-22 CRISIL A1+ 07-12-21 CRISIL A1+ 07-09-20 CRISIL A1+ CRISIL A1+
      -- 25-01-23 CRISIL A1+   -- 24-03-21 CRISIL A1+ 14-05-20 CRISIL A1+ --
      --   --   --   -- 05-03-20 CRISIL A1+ --
Non Convertible Debentures LT 640.0 CRISIL AA/Watch Developing 14-02-23 CRISIL AA/Negative 01-02-22 CRISIL AA/Negative 07-12-21 CRISIL AA/Stable 07-09-20 CRISIL AA/Stable --
      -- 25-01-23 CRISIL AA/Negative   -- 24-03-21 CRISIL AA/Stable   -- --
All amounts are in Rs.Cr.
Annexure - Details of Bank Lenders & Facilities
Facility Amount (Rs.Crore) Name of Lender Rating
Cash Credit 175 IndusInd Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 20 IDBI Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 166 Deutsche Bank A. G. CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 100 Union Bank of India CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 250 HDFC Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 40 Export Import Bank of India CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 135 Citibank N. A. CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 88 CTBC Bank Co Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 100 RBL Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 60 Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.) CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 255 State Bank of India CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 20 Bank of Baroda CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 75 The Federal Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 55 Shinhan Bank CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 100 Emirates NBD Bank PJSC CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 150 YES Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 50 Axis Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Cash Credit 40 IDFC FIRST Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 227 Bank of Baroda CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 150 RBL Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 175 The Federal Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 200 IDBI Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 245 ICICI Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 250 YES Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 400 Axis Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 235 IDFC FIRST Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 260 IndusInd Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 109 Deutsche Bank A. G. CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 130 Union Bank of India CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 500 State Bank of India CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 50 DBS Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 292 ICICI Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 200 HDFC Bank Limited CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Letter of credit & Bank Guarantee 40 Export Import Bank of India CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Proposed Long Term Bank Loan Facility 200 Not Applicable CRISIL AA/Watch Developing
Term Loan 250 Bank of Baroda CRISIL AA/Watch Developing

This Annexure has been updated on 26-May-2023 in line with the lender-wise facility details as on 25-Jan-2023 received from the rated entity.

Criteria Details
Links to related criteria
CRISILs Approach to Financial Ratios
CRISILs Bank Loan Ratings - process, scale and default recognition
Rating criteria for manufaturing and service sector companies
CRISILs Criteria for rating short term debt
CRISILs Criteria for Consolidation

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About CRISIL Ratings Limited (A subsidiary of CRISIL Limited, an S&P Global Company)

CRISIL Ratings pioneered the concept of credit rating in India in 1987. With a tradition of independence, analytical rigour and innovation, we set the standards in the credit rating business. We rate the entire range of debt instruments, such as bank loans, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, non-convertible/convertible/partially convertible bonds and debentures, perpetual bonds, bank hybrid capital instruments, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, partial guarantees and other structured debt instruments. We have rated over 33,000 large and mid-scale corporates and financial institutions. We have also instituted several innovations in India in the rating business, including ratings for municipal bonds, partially guaranteed instruments and infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs).
CRISIL Ratings Limited ('CRISIL Ratings') is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CRISIL Limited ('CRISIL'). CRISIL Ratings Limited is registered in India as a credit rating agency with the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI").
For more information, visit www.crisilratings.com 


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CRISIL is a leading, agile and innovative global analytics company driven by its mission of making markets function better. 

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It has delivered independent opinions, actionable insights, and efficient solutions to over 100,000 customers through businesses that operate from India, the US, the UK, Argentina, Poland, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

It is majority owned by S&P Global Inc, a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings, benchmarks, analytics and data to the capital and commodity markets worldwide.

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CRISIL Ratings uses the prefix 'PP-MLD' for the ratings of principal-protected market-linked debentures (PPMLD) with effect from November 1, 2011, to comply with the SEBI circular, "Guidelines for Issue and Listing of Structured Products/Market Linked Debentures". The revision in rating symbols for PPMLDs should not be construed as a change in the rating of the subject instrument. For details on CRISIL Ratings' use of 'PP-MLD' please refer to the notes to Rating scale for Debt Instruments and Structured Finance Instruments at the following link: https://www.crisil.com/en/home/our-businesses/ratings/credit-ratings-scale.html