Data Analytics using R for BFSI teams: Foundation course




Program Objectives


  • Learn the fundamentals in storing and processing different shapes of data
  • Create functions to further enhance the reusability of the code
  • Apply modules related to data manipulations replicating the excel tasks without opening one
  • Creating various type of charts to speak out your data better.
  • Pushing data analytics beyond the capabilities of excel.
  • Automating mundane tasks to utilize time on more critical work and generate end reports including visuals.

Target audience


  • Participants working in excel operations on regular basis
  • Financial / risk analysts



Course Structure


Day 1: Duration 4 hours


Session 1:


Understanding the types of data


Session 2:


Iterations and conditions


Day 2:


Session 3:




Session 4:


Dplyr and Data Manipulations


Day 3:


Session 5:




Trainer Profile


Trainer has a rich experience in data science and financial modeling areas. He is a versatile trainer equipped to handle topics like machine learning, programming languages in Python and R and market risk analysis. He is a engineer and MBA by education.


Training dates - May 16-18, 2024

Training fees - ₹ 18,000 + applicable taxes