Credit Assessment Workshop for SME




Learning Outcomes


• Understanding Operating Environment, Promoters’ interests and Commitment to Business

• CMA / Spreadsheet learning process which is designed to help you effectively analyse the financials of SMEs.

• An appropriate Working Capital and Term Lending appraisal methodologies.

• Key pointers to “ ratio Analysis” and Interpretation there of


Target Audience


• SME Credit Risk Appraisal Officers / Credit Managers from Banks, NBFCs and Investor Community

• SME Term Loan / Project Managers

• SME Relationship Managers (RMs / officers) from SME segments

• Credit Auditors of Banks / NBFCs

• Specialized SME Credit Branch Managers of Banks / NBFCs

• SME Centralised Operations / SME Factories of Banks

• SME-Entrepreneurs


Course Content


Day 1


Session 1


Overview of Credit Process


Application form including RBI’S CMA


• Nature and purpose of the Loan

• Type of loan and available security

• Analyse the potential borrower’s business, financial status and management standing


Session 2


Understanding of SME Ecosystem, Business Model & Management Capability


• Customer segments

• Value proposition:

• Channels:


Session 3


Case Study on understanding different types of SMEs viz., Traders, manufacturers & Service Sector.


Non-Financial Analysis & Discussions


• Case Study- Formation Of Groups, Allocation Of Cases and Allowing Participants Time (Say 45 Mins) to Read and Prepare Pointers on the Non Financial Analysis of an SME.

• Thereafter, groupwise presentations to be made by each group on Non Financial Analysis.


Session 4


• Types of Companies and Types of Financial Statements viz., Audited, Un Audited, Provisionals, Estimates, Forecast, Certified Annual Reports, Limited Audit etc.

• Introduction to Bank’s CMA format

• RBI CMA Forms 1, 2 and 3 (Spreadsheet Analysis in other banks / NBFCs parlance)


RBI CMA format P&L and B/S particulars


Financial analysis as per CMA


• How to analyse customer need?

• P&L, Balance Sheet analysis


Day 2


RBI CMA Forms 4, 5 & 6


Sessions 1 and 2


• Case Study- Financial Analysis-Cases to be filled by the participants in CMA formats on their laptops


Issues to be covered are:


• Working capital cycle

• Overview of capital


Assessment of Working Capital

Assessment Methodology


Session 3


Ratio Analysis


Case Study Based


• Growth, Liquidity, Gearing / Leverage, Coverage, Profitability & efficiency Ratios in detail

• Ratio analysis & interpretation with examples (current ratios, DSCR, ROCE, BEP and other key ratios)


Session 4


Assessment of Term Loans and Cash Flows


• Term Loans in connection with Procurement of Fixed Assets or Working Capital Assets.


Cash Flow Statement Explanation and Analysis


• Direct Method & Indirect Method

• Cash From operations

• Cash From Investments 


Training dates - June 24-25,2024

Training fees - ₹ 22,000 + applicable taxes
