Trading Portfolio Pricing and Valuation

In this eLearning module on Trading Portfolio Pricing and Valuation, you will be introduced to the Indian Debt Market. You will learn about bond pricing and yields of debt securities with various calculations related to the Debt Market. You will also have a brief overview of derivatives.


Coverage and structure for eLearning module





  • Overview of a Bank’s Trading Portfolio
  • Introduction to the Debt Market
  • Types of Bonds in the Indian Debt Market
  • Price and Value of a Financial Product
  • Mark to Market (MTM) Valuations
  • Factors Affecting Valuation

Bond Pricing and Yield for Debt Securities

  • Value of a Bond
  • Bond Equivalent Yield
  • Bond Price Sensitivity
  • Discounting Rates of Bonds
  • Bonds with put & call option
  • Yield Curve for a Bond
  • Bond Portfolio Yield

Derivative Pricing

  • Forward Pricing
  • Forward - Investment Assets
  • Valuing Forward Contract 
  • Forward vs Futures Prices
  • Swaps
  • Options Pricing
  • Put-Call parity model



Module Fees: Rs. 2500/-                                  Access period: 3 months                                 Learning time: 3 hours



Steps to purchase


  • Go to Crisil Learning platform
  • On (Crisil Learning platform) – sign up to create your unique login ID and password
  • Once your account is set up, search for "Trading Portfolio Pricing and Valuation" from the search bar
  • Select the e-learning module - Trading Portfolio Pricing and Valuation, and click on buy now; it will get added to your cart
  • Click on 'Cart' and purchase the module(s) with your debit or credit card

Features of eLearning modules:



Real life case studies


Real life case studies built leveraging our expertise in research, ratings & risk solutions


Expert Speak


Insights incorporated in eLearning, based on 15+ years of classroom training experience


Glossary & Resources


End to end structure comprising basic definitions to advanced readings


Visuals for workflows


Use of visuals to show a complex process or workflow


Interactive examples


Interspersed with practice exercises and interactive examples to help apply concepts


Knowledge checks


Knowledge checks at the end of each topic to ensure absorption of concepts




Animations & Characters to make complex concepts easy to learn




Final assessment questions & gamification at the end of the module to ensure learning objectives are met