Crisil's 5th Annual Bond Market Seminar

Venue : Regal Room, Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai




Recent regulatory changes and policy announcements are intended to increase participation in, and deepen, India’s corporate bond market, and reduce the heavy skew in corporate credit towards the banking system.


In other words, this is about goading the domestic credit market to become more marked-to-market and, therefore, more efficient. Given the fundamental changes in the works, it is important to estimate the potential demand and supply of corporate bonds in the near to medium term.


In the context, Crisil invites you to its 5th Annual Bond Market Seminar, where we try to do this by discussing and debating topdown to bottom-up analyses - from macro-economic scenario (GDP growth, interest rates, exchange rates, etc.) to corporate growth - and map the supply and demand.

