Discussion forum: Bracing for convergence in ESG reporting standards


White-paper - Convergence cometh, know thy blind spots


Competition or collaboration? In a world of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standards, it is the latter that could more durably benefit the sustainability business, regulators and standard-setters seem to finally concur.


Our whitepaper looks at the potential landscape of a converged global ESG reporting standard, and sifts 45 KPIs that may become standard, and another 15 that could become mandatory in the European Union. It also assesses the potential status of sector-specific metrics, and the impact on investment managers and banks - in terms of opportunities and potential blind spots.


Please register to receive a complimentary copy of the whitepaper.


Event Details


Worldwide, consensus is rapidly emerging among regulators and standard-setters on the templates required for climate risk and other ESG reporting. As that happens, and as sustainability increasingly influences investment and financing decisions, there will be multiple risks and opportunities for asset/wealth managers and banks.


Market participants will also have to deal with ever-increasing stakeholder demands and operational challenges as they come to terms with the convergence in reporting standards.


Global experts shared insights on maximising integration-led opportunities and tackling operational challenges. 


Panelists at the forum discussed opportunities across sustainability assessments, product development, portfolio alignment, enhanced stewardship, and stakeholder reporting.


The event also covered emerging practices to deal with operational challenges, including sourcing, integration, forward-looking materiality assessment, sector-specific normalisation, impact assessment, and regulatory reporting.


Our speakers shared their insights on:


  • Ongoing global climate-risk and other ESG-related regulatory momentum
  • Preparations to comply with the EU's sustainable finance rules and emerging regulatory asks in the US and APAC
  • Opportunities for asset/wealth managers to optimise data infrastructure, enhance their sustainability product suite, build a integration and stewardship-led investment culture, and align with the core mandates of their clients
  • Ways banks can leverage datasets and integrate ESG and climate risk factors across credit risk frameworks, underwriting risk, limit setting, and stress testing
