NBFCs: Evolving landscape and key imperatives



Non-banks (non-banking finance companies and housing finance companies) have grown strongly over the past 5 years and seen their share of total system credit increase by around 500 basis points to 18% as on March 31, 2018.


Even as the competitive environment remains intense, the last few months have been particularly challenging because of tightening liquidity and choppy markets. Consequently, liability-side management has become critical.


Specifically, the recent market developments have put the spotlight on asset liability maturity management which can have a lasting structural impact.


While the situation seems on the mend, it’s not yet business as usual.


In this context, Crisil Ratings invites you to a seminar titled, "NBFCs: Evolving landscape and key imperatives".


The seminar will have presentations by Crisil's experts and panel discussions involving industry leaders. Our experts will address topics such as: 

  • Impact of the liquidity situation on the overall growth for non-banks
  • Segmental growth expectations and key drivers
  • Recent trends in resource mix
  • Analysis of the liquidity position of non-banks
  • Expectation on asset quality and profitability across various segments
  • Business models for emerging / mid-size non-banks and fintechs
  • Way forward for non-banks - Opportunities and challenges

Our upcoming seminar on the NBFC sector also provides a platform for stakeholders such as business leaders, issuers, investors, policy-makers and other market participants to deliberate, debate and exchange perspectives on relevant issues pertaining to NBFCs and the way forward for them.



Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt, Santacruz (E), Mumbai


Key findings




  • Jeemit Shah
    Crisil Limited
    B: +91 22 3342 3275