Crisil India Infrastructure Conclave 2019: The ‘Central’ role of States in India’s Infrastructure build-out

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Crisil India Infrastructure Conclave, Crisil’s annual flagship infrastructure event, was launched in 2017. Since then, this thought-leadership platform has brought together policymakers, industry leaders and other stakeholders to stimulate and yield ideas, actions and reforms to drive India's infrastructure agenda. Indeed, the first two editions of the conclave, in 2017 and 2018, received tremendous response, with over 400 senior stakeholders participating.


We are pleased to invite you to Crisil India Infrastructure Conclave 2019. The theme this year is The 'central' role of states in India's Infrastructure build-out.


The Government of India has set an ambitious target to step up infrastructure spending to Rs 100 lakh crore over the next five years. In the last decade or so, the central government has done the heavy lifting on infrastructure spends, and the share contributed by the states has risen sharply. In the next few years, with fiscal constraints limiting central government spend, the role of states in India's development story will be firmly in focus.


The conclave will shed light on the critical role of states, and help strengthen the framework of cooperative federalism - to ensure India's infrastructure development agenda remains on track. It will identify constraints faced and distil concrete actions to lift and sustain infrastructure investment momentum.


The conclave will feature the launch of the third edition of the Crisil Infrastructure Yearbook. An update to the Crisil InfraInvex, an investability index that tracks investment attractiveness in select infrastructure sectors, will be part of the Yearbook.



Programme Highlights



Theme session:


Expanding Capacity : States have a ‘central' role

This session will deliberate trends in states' contribution to India's infrastructure agenda, assess scale and composition of state-led investment needs, and would identify measures to expand fiscal space, create policy coherence and build regulatory certainty to lift and sustain investment momentum.


Core Session:


Enhancing Capability : States gearing up

This session will focus on the areas for strengthening states' capability and would focus in particular on the institutional, and resource mobilisation challenges faced. The session will deliberate on the pathways to usher in commercial financing, including pathways to private investment and to realise asset monetisation potential.


Crisil Infra Intelligence is a platform that aims to offer multi-dimensional views and insights on the infrastructure space in India.


For any assistance/ query, please call: Sandhya Jangre | +91 22 3342 4160 |

Click here
 to know more about the 2018 edition
