• AIF Benchmark Indices
  • Alternative Investment Fund
  • Crisil Intelligence
  • AIF
  • Research
  • AIF benchmarks
October 01, 2020 location Mumbai

Crisil launches India’s first AIF benchmark indices

To measure performance of alternative investment products

Crisil Research, India’s largest independent and integrated research house, today announced the launch of benchmark indices for the domestic alternative investment fund (AIF) industry.


Our indices cover all three AIF categories – I, II and III – and provide investors with a metric to compare the performance of a scheme with the peer set.


Says Nagarajan Narasimhan, Senior Director, Crisil Research, “After a tepid start a decade ago, the Indian AIF industry has grown exponentially in recent years. A total commitment of Rs 3.85 lakh crore has been raised so far since 2012 up to June 2020. However, a common performance metric is conspicuous by its absence. The launch of AIF benchmarks by Crisil will plug this gap, by providing a metric to compare performance of AIFs with the category average.”


Benchmarking develops a set of standardised performance metrics to help investors identify efficient fund managers, detect risks and take sound investment decisions. It also provides a yardstick to fund managers and other stakeholders (such as the board and internal committees) to compare themselves, and course-correct, where required.


The ensuing transparency would encourage fund managers to leverage on best practices and provides a level playing field to all stakeholders in the presence of only one performance differentiator: the relevant benchmark.


Says Piyush Gupta, Director, Crisil Research, “The benchmarks have been created to incorporate various facets of the industry and are aligned with global practices. For AIF categories I and II, the benchmarks use aspects such as pooled internal rate of return (IRR), multiples and realisation ratios. These benchmarks are based on vintage to bring uniformity in comparison of funds with a similar performance history.”


For category III benchmarks, quarterly returns, along with respective assets under management, have been used to create an asset-weighted index at the category-level from the quarter in which at least three schemes were available to invest. Lastly, for all category benchmarks, returns are calculated on a post-expense, pre-carry and pre-tax basis, both in rupees and US dollars.


To compare performance of AIFs in each category, common category-level peer benchmarks have been created. As the industry matures, sub-category indices based on investment strategy and mandate will also be developed.


The data will be disclosed half-yearly (end-September and March), as per guidelines prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. It will be published on https://www.crisil.com/en/home/what-we-do/financial-products/alternate-investment-funds-benchmarks.html along with detailed methodology and report.



  • Media contacts

    Saman Khan
    Media Relations
    Crisil Limited
    D: +91 22 3342 3895
    M: +91 95940 60612
    B: +91 22 3342 3000


    Nagarajan Narasimhan
    Senior Director – Crisil Research
    Crisil Ltd
    D: +91 22 3342 3540


    Piyush Gupta
    Director – Funds Research
    Crisil Ltd
    D: +91 22 3342 8096