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  • Global Research And Analytics
May 10, 2017

Big data in asset management: Going beyond the hype

Over the past few years, big data technology and analytics have attracted widespread interest, given their potential to deliver better insights than traditional platforms and the falling costs of technology infrastructure. Unlike hedge funds, traditional asset managers have been late adopters of big data, but their interest in it has been picking up. Traditional investors are now looking into big data techniques to integrate with their primary fundamentals-based investment strategy. For example, BlackRock is attempting to have its Active Equity and Scientific Investing teams collaborate with each other.

Emerging big data
trends in asset

In a recent survey conducted as part of Crisil GR&A‘s recent conference on  Big Data in Asset Management‘, held in New York, over 70% of the respondents rated big data investments as  Very Important‘ or  Somewhat Important‘. However, about 50% of the respondents said they did not have adequate big data capabilities or were in the initial stages of building their big data capabilities.