• Automotive sector
  • OEMs
  • Auto Dealership
  • Original Equipment Manufacturers
  • Passenger Vehicle
August 30, 2021

Auto dealers upbeat despite second wave

Key messages


  • The demand uptick seen during the festival season last fiscal has failed to sustain; most of the dealers said sales are not yet at fiscal 2020 levels. Deal conversion cycle has doubled as consumers are deferring purchase
  • Two wheeler dealers had hoped for quick demand revival; however, those expectations were belied as rural demand declined with the rapid spread of Covid 19 afflictions to hinterlands during the second wave
  • Regional disparity in sales growth; dealers in the north have been the most impacted across segments
  • The government’s tweaks in law permitted auto dealerships to register as MSMEs, which would help them get easy access to more credit avenues and various schemes; however, their awareness about the schemes is low
  • Lower inventory at dealerships across segments will quicken recovery and reduce inventory holding costs
  • Most of the dealers have introduced employee welfare measures such as insurance and vaccination drives supported by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
  • A majority are optimistic that sales will increase in fiscal 2022 on lower base; however, they are merely likely to hit fiscal 2020 levels
  • The factors that could derail the auto sector’s growth are a possible third wave, fuel price and supply constraints of OEMs
