• Micro And Small Enterprises
  • Digital Economy
  • Report
  • Digital Adoption
  • Digital Transformation
  • Covid-19 pandemic
April 27, 2022

Helping MSEs go digital

The digital landscape for businesses has changed drastically in recent years with the emergence of several elements leading up to a strong digital ecosystem. The Covid-19 pandemic has added an element of urgency to this, and underscored the need to fuel the digital economy.


The complex and varied micro and small enterprises (MSE) segment has also started adapting to the changes — especially micro enterprises, which are at dif ferent stages of digital readiness — though challenges remain.

Traction in digital coverage seen across the MSE segment


Crisil conducted a survey of ~540 respondents to gauge the impact of digital transformation. The results indicate that more than ~65% of respondent MSEs adopted/upgraded their digital landscape amid the pandemic.


Digitalisation was more rampant among micro enterprises, with ~55% of these moving to the digital space compared with ~45% of small enterprises. These enterprises placed sharper focus on f inancial transactions, with ~68% extensively adopting payment wallets and net banking, whereas procurement/inventory management accounted for only ~4%.


The growing demand for digitalisation has prompted MSEs to transition f rom manual book-keeping to new-age methods, and simplif ied book-keeping and inventory management tools. About 45% of respondents have adopted accounts management tools.


Moreover, Covid-19 has changed the way MSEs market/sell their products/services — today, about 52% of the respondent use social media to market their products.