Page 103 - CRISIL ESG Report 2023
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    DE&I awareness and training drives during 2023
• Global Diversity Awareness Month (GDAM) gave an opportunity to demonstrate leadership commitment through messages, blogs, etc.
• Multiple engagement and capability building initiatives were implemented covering hundreds of employees, including learning circles on Eskalera platform.
• DEI continues to be a part of our mandatory courses, which covers policies and related practices, equal opportunity, health and safety. It is for both new hires to enhance awareness and refresher for existing employees.
All these interventions have enhanced employee awareness and encouraged reflection on racism, empathy, gender, and LGBTIQA+ needs, and nurtured cultural sensitivity.
Supplier diversity
Refer response to Q3 of Leadership Indicator under Principle 8.
Driving social change
Refer to the CSR Report on page 64 of the CRISIL Annual Report 2023 for further details. For further details, refer to Q2 of Leadership Indicator in Principle 8.
PRINCIPLE 5: Businesses should respect and promote human rights
Essential Indicators
1. Employees and workers who have been provided training on human rights issues and policy (ies) of the entity
Please refer to table no. 18 on pg. no.68 of the ESG Databook.
2. Details of minimum wages paid to employees and workers (HR)
Please refer to table no. 12 on pg. no.65 of the ESG Databook.
3. (a) Details of remuneration/salary/wages
Please refer to table no. 7 on pg. no.63 of the ESG Databook.
(b) Grosswagespaidtofemalesas%oftotalwagespaidbytheentity:
Please refer to table 7(b) on pg. no. 63 of the ESG Databook
4. Do you have a focal point (Individual/ Committee) responsible for addressing human rights impacts or issues caused or contributed to by the business? (Yes/No)
5. Describe the internal mechanisms in place to redress grievances related to human rights issues.
Various reporting channels and redressal mechanisms are made available at all the levels to employees for reporting violations of human rights:
• The policy on Redressal of Workplace Harassment indicates the procedure for reporting violations to the Human Resource team.
• The Code of Ethics elaborates the process of raising concerns, reporting violations and seeking advice. For details refer to Chapter 7 of CRISIL’s Code of Ethics [ ]
• CRISIL’s Whistleblower Policy encourages and supports reporting of concerns about issues such as unethical behaviour, grave or violation of Ethics. Complaint redressal is tracked rigorously at various levels of the management. We also have an ethics hotline number and email address to report any such concerns. Read our Whistle-Blower Policy
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• At the highest level, the Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee of the Board regularly dedicates exclusive time to review policy violations and stakeholder complaints.
Heightened sensitivity towards policy violations, taking a rigid stance on transgressions and review of such matters at the highest levels by a Board-level committee reinforces the compliance culture at CRISIL.
6. Number of Complaints on Sexual Harassment, Discrimination at workplace, Child Labour, Forced Labour/Involuntary Labour, etc. made by employees and workers
Please refer to Table no. 22 and 22(a) on pg. no.70 of the ESG Databook.
7. ComplaintsfiledundertheSexualHarassmentofWomenatWorkplace(Prevention,ProhibitionandRedressal)Act,2013
Please refer to Table no. 22 (a) on pg. no.70 of the ESG Databook.
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