Page 80 - CRISIL ESG Report 2023
P. 80
∑Total electricity used (in kWh) x Grid emission factor (CO2e) = Total emissions
Paper emissions: Total number of reams of paper consumed was collected. The emission factor used sourced from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2023 (DEFRA-2023).
Business travel air & rail emissions: The total distance traveled from the air and rail (both international and national) captured and used for emission calculation. The emission factor used for respective travel modes were sourced from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2023 (DEFRA-2023) and India GHG protocol 2015.
Business travel road emissions: The total amount claimed (covering both national and international travel) was captured and used for emission calculation. The emissions factor for diesel/petrol was sourced from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report for CO2, CH4, and N2O. Similarly, The Global Warming Potentials (GWP) were be sourced from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report for CO2, CH4, and N2O. The annual average price of HSD or petrol per liter for 2023 was taken from individual country level prices from government databases.
Hotels stay: The number of nights stayed in the hotel for the year were captured and used to calculate the emissions due to stay in the hotel. The emission factor used for respective travel modes was sourced from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2023 (DEFRA-2023).
Work from Home emissions: To properly account for home working emissions, energy use and natural gas consumption, which would not have occurred in an office-working scenario has been accounted for. We have used a no survey approach based on the white paper by Anthesis Group which uses two parameters: number of remote workers and recommended regional energy intensities (i.e., energy consumed per person per day) for estimating the amount of electricity and natural gas consumed. Further to this, the energy consumption is then multiplied by appropriate emission factors to calculate the GHG footprint of remote workers.
To obtain the energy intensity (i.e., energy consumed per person per day), we have used two relevant data categories,
• Baseline Energy Intensity: which refers to the energy consumption measured in a household before the pandemic period when some household members might have been home during the day while others were working outside of the home. These are derived by dividing the energy consumption data from International Energy Agency (IEA) by the corresponding country’s population data.
• Incremental Energy Intensity: which refers to the incremental energy consumption measured in a household, in which some household members have transitioned to working from home, causing an increase in residential energy use. The incremental energy intensities are an average of select countries covered by the various studies on remote work.
The value for these two categories has been taken from the estimates provided in the discussed white paper. These values are region specific, hence the values specific to region under our consideration are obtained. These regions are North, Central and South America (AMER), Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asia pacific (APAC). The energy intensity is then calculated as provided in below equation which is then multiplied with the emission factor to obtain the work from home emission.
Where, Ratio of incremental to baseline is the ratio of incremental energy intensity and baseline energy intensity.
Waste disposal emissions: The total waste depending on the type was captured under different categories. Depending on whether wet waste (kitchen waste) was being utilized for making compost, OR the waste was disposed off to recycling agencies, the emissions were calculated under Scope 2 and Scope 3 respectively. The emission factors used for waste type and the processing done were obtained from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2023 (DEFRA – 2023).
Purchased goods and services emissions: The actual emission numbers from suppliers/vendors has been collected. The same has been used to calculate the total emissions from purchased goods. However, in cases where the emission numbers were not available the following methodology has been used:
The total amount spent on purchased goods has been collected. Trucost’s environmentally extended input-output (EEIO) method has been used to calculate the total emission. The emission factor combines industry-specific environmental impact data with quantitative macroeconomic data on the flow of goods and services between different sectors in the economy. The scope of calculation covers the annual spent on Advertising and related services, Business support services, Employment services, Facilities support services, Insurance carriers, Management, scientific, and technical consulting services, other computer related services, including facilities management, Software publishers, Telecom and Printing.
Capital goods emissions: The actual emission numbers from suppliers/vendors has been collected. The same has been used to calculate the total emissions from capital goods. However, in cases where the emission numbers were not available the following methodology has been used:
The total amount spend on capital goods have been collected. Trucost’s environmentally extended input-output (EEIO) has been used to calculate the total emission. The scope of capital goods emissions covers office equipment and other hardware.
∑Total reams purchased x weight per ream x Emission factor (CO2e) = Total emissions
1 Whitepaper: Estimating Energy Consumption & GHG Emissions for Remote Workers: available at <https// energy-consumption-ghg-emissions-for-remote-workers/>
78 ESG Report 2023
Energy use per day (kWh/person/day)
Baseline energy intensity (kWh) x Ratio of incremental to baseline
∑Total distance travelled (in Kms) x Emission factor (CO2e) = Total emissions
∑Total Diesel or Petrol amount claimed (in INR) x Avg. INR to Liter of Diesel or Petrol in 2021 x Liter to kg conversion x Net calorific value x Emission factor (CO2, CH4 and N2O) = Total emissions
Emissions from Work from home (tCO2e) = Number of employees working from home × Energy Intensity × Emission factor
Emission from waste (tCO2e) = Quantity of waste (in kg or tonnes) × Emission factor (CO2e)
∑Total number of nights stayed (in days) x Emission factor (CO2e) = Total emission
GHG computational method