- Role of a bank in an economy
- Primary functions of a bank
- Introduction to a bank’s balance sheet
Components of a Bank balance sheet
- Capital- Importance, Concept of capital adequacy and introduction to Tier I and Tier II capital
- Borrowings- What they comprise of
- Deposits- Why use deposits to raise funds, types of deposits along with their key features explained
- Investments-SLR securities along with inclusions, its importance explained
- Investments- Non SLR securities, their types and importance explained
- Loans & advances- income generating activity, priority sector lending, proportion of credit outstanding to different sectors, NPA’s in different sectors
- Current assets- cash and bank balances, concept of cash reserve ratio
- Net fixed assets
- Other current Liabilities
Comparison across banks
- Comparison between foreign bank, nationalised banks, private sector banks, SBI & associates
- Break up of assets & liabilities
Off-balance sheet items
- What are off balance sheet items
- What are the types of off balance sheet items for a bank
- Risks associated with off balance sheet items
Components of a Bank P&L
- Typical components of a bank’s P&L along with their average % share across banks explained
- Understanding typical reasons for rating changes with the help of real life examples
Key ratios for a bank
- An explanation of important ratios from a bank’s perspective