Modern platform-driven AI and ML technologies enable banks to cross-sell, up-sell, acquire new clients and reduce drop-offs more efficiently, through precise customer profiling.
Because AI can cut through swathes of data in humanly impossible ways, it can help financial institutions analyse the attributes of their borrowers based on their demographics, income and previous banking history, and group them in strategic clusters — all in a trice. The result: differentiated products, and better collection and acquisition strategies.
Predictive analytics such as the next best offer (NBO) uses sophisticated rules and algorithms to better predict customer needs, increase customer loyalty, and generate business opportunities to improve wallet share. CRISIL’s NBO solutions, for instance, create a unified offer recommendation for customers across banking products, significantly reducing campaign cost, while maximising the up-sell potential.
Pricing plays a significant part in a customer’s credit decision. Price aggregators and comparison platforms have made it easy for customers/lenders to compare prices of the same financial products across different borrowers. Pricing analytics uses AI/ML models to provide pricing comparison for a particular cluster of customers. This helps assess possible revenue gaps and devise smart pricing strategies that could, in turn, increase revenue and profitability
Financial institutions often face challenges in gaining a dynamic understanding of customers, including analysing transaction data and counterparties. ML-based supply chain analytics solutions apply complex algorithms to enable transaction analysis and identifying potential opportunities.
The role of banks has evolved from being mere custodians of wealth and loan givers to actually providing actionable insights to their clients through forecasting, customer segmentation, and sales campaign analytics. These AI/ML-enabled solutions lend a competitive edge.
Financial institutions are best placed to advise corporate treasurers on optimising working capital, whether by extending days payable outstanding (DPO), reducing days sales outstanding (DSO) or optimising payment modes. The accuracy of such advice can be greatly augmented by AI/ML backed insights, leading to better cost savings for corporates and increasing customer loyalty.
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