Financial institutions are under unprecedented pressure to improve operational efficiency while simultaneously enhancing credit and liquidity risk management and meeting new regulatory demands for increased transparency.
CRISIL's deep expertise in risk and finance regulation make us the ideal partner for complex transformational change programs and regulatory implementation. Our industry-leading capabilities in financial service operations and technology help financial institutions strengthen their competitive positioning through integrated finance and risk operations. Our services span P&L and valuation controls, collateral management, liquidity and balance sheet management, and reconciliation & reporting.
Solution Components
Risk & Finance Integration
Current state, gap, and impact analysis
Identifying common data fields and mapping data flows
Creating metadata and a centralized reporting platform
Realigning processes across risk and finance
Standardizing and automating reporting through templates
Documenting and managing data lineage
Aligning data governance and transformation methodologies
Implementing consistent controls and policies
Finance Transformation
Product and valuation control
Reporting under COREP (Capital, RWA & Liquidity), FINREP, large exposures, LCR & NSFR, statistical reporting (Central Bank Reporting), MLAR, IFRS 9, CCAR
Regulatory Change and Reporting
Gap analysis and remediation plan
Impact assessment on data, people, processes, and reporting requirements
Regulatory interpretation
Defining business requirements
Data analysis and system development
Testing and implementation
Regulatory reporting for Basel (Pru-Val), Volcker, etc.
Deep domain expertise across risk and finance processes, change management, data and systems
End-to-end services across business analysis, data management, application development, project management, and implementation
Strong regulatory knowledge across Capital Regulations (Basel II/III/IV, CRD IV/V) and Liquidity Standards (LCR/NSFR)
Ready solutions and accelerators for reconciliation, testing, data models, etc.