Enterprise data transformation




A UK based bank wanted to embark on an enterprise-wide data strategy and transformation programme, to centralize it's D&A capabilities including master data management, data catalogue, analytical tools and platforms.



  • Siloed approach to data governance and tool usage across the bank
  • Data quality maturity inconsistencies


  • Created a centralized repository of high-quality data
  • Automated an end-to-end solution from data sourcing to visualization
  • Incorporated ML models to analyze data patterns, report outliers and resolve entities with string matching algorithms


  • Enabled Program Managers to use trusted data for investment insights with increased frequency of reporting
  • Reduced processing efforts by 90% from over 15 market data sources

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+1 646 292 3520


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+44 (0) 870 333 6336

+91 22 33 42 3000 /
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