Advanced MS Excel techniques for effective analysis

Training dates - January 23-24, 2020

Training location - Gurgaon

Training fees - ₹ 20,000 + applicable taxes




Programme Objectives


At the end of this program, participants should be able to effectively use advanced MS Excel functions for analytics and financial modeling purpose.


  • Gain proficiency in latest MS Excel tools including PowerQuery, PowerPivot and PowerBI
  • Learn the best way to work with large amounts of data obtained from variety of sources
  • Learn to work with tables and create robust analysis and stunning visual in just a few clicks
  • Learn to use advanced MS Excel functions to analyse information and for automating tasks
  • Learn to make financial models extremely agile and robust using advanced MS Excel functions and best practices



The participants are expected to have prior working knowledge of MS Excel and should be comfortable with the following:


  • Ability to enter, edit data in cells and to apply various formatting including fonts, color, borders and number formats
  • Ability to navigate around MS Excel ribbon and to access commands
  • Work with basic MS Excel function including SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN and MAX