Credit Risk Modelling - An Analytical Approach

Training dates - January 16-17, 2020

Training location - Mumbai

Training fees - ₹30,000 + applicable taxes




Programme Objectives


Credit Risk Modelling workshop is a program focusing on analytical approaches to Credit Risk Modelling. This would help the Business and Credit Risk professionals to have a better understanding of both expected and unexpected losses arising out of credit events. The workshop also exposes participants to quantitative aspects of various Credit Risk Modelling approaches required for the computation of credit risk capital charge and risk adjusted performance measurement.


The programme will benefit


Business and Credit Risk professionals of both sell-side and buy-side organizations and others e.g., Banks, Financial Institutions, Primary Dealers, NBFCs, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Investment Banks, Merchant Banks, Hedge Funds, Fund of Funds, Provident Funds, Pension Funds, Corporate, Regulators, Consultants, Auditors, KPOs, BPOs, Financial Research Houses, Academicians, etc.