Case study-based workshop on FDI & ODI - (In-depth discussion on FEMA guidelines)

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Program objective


To help participants (bankers and companies) understand the key concepts and nuances of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) guidelines on foreign direct investment (FDI) and overseas direct investment (ODI) in India, and provide a detailed overview on all aspects of foreign investment in India – different routes for investment, eligibility, pricing norms, documentation, disclosure to RBI


Who would benefit from this program?


  • Bankers keen to make a career in the niche area of foreign investments
  • Companies (including start-ups) in the process of receiving foreign investment
  • Companies likely to enter into a joint venture or create a wholly owned subsidiary outside India
  • Senior executives and managers working for companies/banks who would like to gain some knowledge on FEMA guidelines on FDI/ODI – particularly issuance of employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)

Training dates - October 22 & 23, 2019

Training location - Mumbai

Training fees - ₹ 30,000 + applicable taxes
