Market Risk Management in Banks and FIs- Concepts and Dimensions of the Risks and tools to manage the Risk




Learning Outcomes


  • Estimate risk measures, VaR and expected shortfall using various approaches including back-testing
  • Identify advantages and disadvantages of parametric and non-parametric estimation methods
  • Explain the principles underlying VaR mapping and compare the results of research on top-down and bottom-up risk aggregation method
  • Describe financial correlation risk and the areas in which it appears in finance.


Who should attend?


  • Executives and Policy Makers
  • Head of Risk and Compliance functions
  • Heads of Business functions
  • Internal Audit




  • Basic understanding of Financial Markets and Products and in particular.


Day 1:


Session 1


Enterprise Risk Management enhancing Organisational Value
Discussions on the methods of enhancing enterprise value through proactive risk management


Session 2


Market Risk Management as per Basel Framework
Discussions on the sources of different types of market risk, risk dimensions and management of the various market risk components


Day 2:


Session 3


Management of Interest Rate Risk [IRR] in the banking book
Discussions on the types of impact to the balance sheet on account of interest rate risk in the banking book

Computation of Capital Requirements for Market Risk
Understanding the capital computation methodology for the various components of market risk as per regulatory prescriptions


Session 4


Investment Management in Banks
Discussions on the prescriptions of RBI relating to investments and the strategies available for banks to manage investments


Session 5


Stress Testing in Banks
Discussions on stress testing and the stress testing methodologies relating to market risk


Training dates - October 24-25, 2024

Training fees - ₹ 40,000 + applicable taxes
