Comprehensive framework for mutual fund analysis - Crisil MF Ranking

In this eLearning module on Comprehensive framework for mutual fund analysis - Crisil MF Ranking, we will learn about the Crisil mutual fund ranking framework and various parameters considered for the ranking.


Coverage and structure for eLearning module




Crisil Mutual Fund Ranking (CMFR) Framework

  • Introduction to CMFR Framework
  • Cluster Ranking Methodology
  • Example of Scoring for Cluster Ranking
  • List of Ranked Categories
  • Scheme Shortlist Criteria
  • Scheme Selection Criteria Post SEBI Categorisation

Parametric Summary

  • Parameters Analysed for Ranking Mutual Funds
  • Mean and Active Returns
  • Count of Negative Returns
  • Concentration Risk and Diversity
  • Portfolio Concentration Risk in Equity Funds
  • Portfolio Concentration Risk in Debt Funds
  • Liquidity Analysis
  • Asset Quality
  • Modified Duration and Average Maturity



Module Fees: Rs. 1500/-                                  Access period: 3 months                                 Learning time: 2 hours



Steps to purchase


  • Go to Crisil Learning platform
  • On (Crisil Learning platform) – sign up to create your unique login ID and password
  • Once your account is set up, search for "Comprehensive framework for mutual fund analysis - Crisil MF Ranking" from the search bar
  • Select the e-learning module - Comprehensive framework for mutual fund analysis - Crisil MF Ranking, and click on buy now; it will get added to your cart
  • Click on 'Cart' and purchase the module(s) with your debit or credit card

Features of eLearning modules:



Real life case studies


Real life case studies built leveraging our expertise in research, ratings & risk solutions


Expert Speak


Insights incorporated in eLearning, based on 15+ years of classroom training experience


Glossary & Resources


End to end structure comprising basic definitions to advanced readings


Visuals for workflows


Use of visuals to show a complex process or workflow


Interactive examples


Interspersed with practice exercises and interactive examples to help apply concepts


Knowledge checks


Knowledge checks at the end of each topic to ensure absorption of concepts




Animations & Characters to make complex concepts easy to learn




Final assessment questions & gamification at the end of the module to ensure learning objectives are met