The NBFC Reset - Re-orienting business models amid headwinds



Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), including housing finance companies, have faced headwinds on the funding access front since September 2018. To counter the challenges, they have focused on the liability side and managed to improve their asset-liability maturity (ALM) profiles, even at the cost of growth.


The problems that began with tightening in liquidity and funding access due to concerns over ALM have transcended into a confidence-related issue, especially on asset quality metrics, particularly for wholesale-oriented standalone NBFCs. While the situation seems to be on the mend, it is not business as usual yet.


Not all NBFCs are in the hot water, though. With innovation their forte, many are re-orienting and continuously evolving on the business front, with new models coming to the forefront.


In this backdrop, Crisil Ratings invites you to a seminar titled ‘The NBFC Reset - Re-orienting business models amid headwinds’, providing business leaders, issuers, investors, policymakers and other market participants a platform to deliberate and exchange perspectives on issues relevant to NBFCs, and the way forward.


The event will have presentations by Crisil's experts, followed by panel discussions involving industry leaders.


The seminar will cover various themes including:


  • Segmental growth expectations and key drivers
  • Modes of business model re-orientation by NBFCs
  • Liability profile of non-banks and the evolving situation
  • Asset quality across segments
  • Traditional lending vs Phygital vs Branchless Digital models
  • Increasing use of data analytics/ data sciences and their utility in sourcing and collections
  • Way forward for NBFCs - opportunities and challenges

Click here to download the Agenda.



For any assistance/ query, please call: Shruti Nair | +91 22 4040 5812 |
