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NBFC delinquencies could see up to 250 bps spike this fiscal
NBFC AUMs to de-grow for the first time in nearly two decades
Partial collections + low disbursements = some liquidity respite for NBFCs
Gold loan NBFCs to shimmer with 15-18% growth in fiscal 2021
Bank credit growth to hit a multi-decade low of 0-1%
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1 Comprising both non-banking finance companies and housing finance companies 2 Non-banks that are backed by strong corporate groups / parents or having a bank in the group. 3 Monthly Collection Efficiency = Total collections (excluding foreclosures)/Scheduled billing (unadjusted for moratorium)
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Saman Khan Media Relations Crisil Limited D: +91 22 3342 3895 M: +91 95 940 60612 B: +91 22 3342 3000 saman.khan@crisil.com
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Krishnan Sitaraman Senior Director - Crisil Ratings Crisil Limited D: +91 22 3342 8070 krishnan.sitaraman@crisil.com
Subha Sri Narayanan Director - Crisil Ratings Crisil Limited D: +91 22 3342 3403 subhasri.narayanan@crisil.com
Ajit Velonie Director - Crisil Ratings Crisil Limited D: +91 22 4097 8209 ajit.velonie@crisil.com