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Bank GNPAs may touch decadal low of ~4% next fiscal
Bank credit growth to hit 4-year high of 11-12% this fiscal
Loan restructuring to stem runaway rise in NPAs this fiscal
Primary aluminium makers stare at 1,200 bps smelt in margin
NBFC GNPAs to fall after rising ~150 bps in the third quarter
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1 Excludes rating actions involving ratings with the Issuer Not Cooperating (INC) suffix 2 Upgrade or downgrade rate refers to the ratio of upgrades or downgrades respectively during the period to total outstanding portfolio at the beginning of the period on an annualized basis 3 Fast moving consumer goods 4 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
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Subodh Rai Chief Ratings Officer Crisil Ratings Limited B: +91 124 672 2000 subodh.rai@crisil.com
Somasekhar Vemuri Senior Director Crisil Ratings Limited D: +91 22 3342 3106 somasekhar.vemuri@crisil.com