• Textiles
  • manufacturers
  • NBFCs
  • MSEs
  • Manufacturing Sectors
  • Second wave
November 22, 2021

A severe dent in sentiment

CriSidEx survey for April-June and July-September 2021

Business sentiment for April-June 2021


Share of respondents that saw a subdued SQ15 jumped to 43% for manufacturing, 49% for services


S15 findings need to be viewed in the context of a rising number of Covid-19 cases amid the second wave during the first quarter of this fiscal. Pickup in economic activity was dampened, as a sharp rise in cases stunted growth. Effects of the second wave of the pandemic are factored into the calls for the second quarter of this fiscal, which foresee moderate recovery across major sectors on a receding caseload.


Sectors with positive trend


  • Among manufacturers, 16% reported a good SQ15, lower than 26% in SQ14, but higher than 4% in the same quarter a year ago (SQ11)
    • In SQ15, the highest share of respondents in pharmaceuticals and auto component sectors reported a good quarter
    • On-year (SQ15 vis-à-vis SQ11), pharmaceuticals and auto component sectors reported the sharpest rise in share of respondents with positive sentiment
  • Among service providers, 13% reported a good SQ15, lower than 20% in SQ14, but higher than 7% in SQ11
    • In SQ15, the highest share of respondents in healthcare providers & services, and power & utilities sectors reported a good quarter
    • On-year, the share of respondents with positive sentiment was highest in the healthcare providers & services, and power & utilities sectors
