Risk Solutions

We provide a comprehensive range of risk management tools, analytics and solutions to financial institutions, banks and corporates in India, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and South-East Asia. Our solutions help clients identify, measure, and calibrate a comprehensive range of risks: credit, price, market, exchange and liquidity, operational, strategic and regulatory.


Our expertise in executing and managing diverse risk-related engagements globally, in-depth understanding of geography-specific regulatory and implementation requirements, and a pool of experienced professionals enable us to deliver enterprise risk management frameworks from ideation to implementation. We supplement our core consulting strength and analytical skills with robust proprietary software to provide efficient solutions for risk management.

9/10 top banks in India use our risk management solutions
70 banks and financial institutions have adopted best practices in risk management with our support
# 1 risk solutions provider in a survey conducted by Indian Banks' Association


Our Offerings



India's largest provider of assessments to lenders, corporates across sectors, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as well as NGO/social sector


We help financial institutions develop and validate risk models, design scorecards and calculate risk parameters


Our platforms help financial institutions mitigate risk with comprehensive solutions for risk management, and regulatory compliance


Case Studies


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  • For any risk solution related queries, please contact:
    +91 22 33428266