Energy Service Company Grading

Operating an energy service company (ESCO)?


Scouting for clients/capital?


Unsure of whom to hire to implement energy-efficiency projects?


Then you need the Crisil Energy Service Company Grading.


It’s an established market marker that helps you attract customers and funding.


The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has empaneled 114 ESCOs to date, to encourage the implementation of energy-efficient retrofit measures on a performance-contracting mode. Crisil has been involved in the development of the ESCO grading framework with BEE.


We have a deep understanding of the energy saving sector and the grading process, ensuring unbiased grading. We have graded more than 52 ESCOs since 2008, the largest number among all grading agencies, helping meet some of India’s energy-saving requirements.

  • We grade ESCOs on three parameters, namely track record and market position, organisational risks, and financial risks, and assign a rank on a 100-point scale
  • The ESCOs provide data along these parameters, which is weighed through meetings with key officials and feedback from customers and bankers. A score is then assigned
  • The score your business obtains helps showcase your technical and financial prowess with prospective customers and financial institution
  • Our robust grading process and methodological framework is backed by our extensive experience and expertise in energy service company gradings
  • Establishes credibility, helping attract customers
  • Provides actionable information to lenders
  • Acts as a differentiator, setting you apart from your competition
  • Equips a business with tools for improvement

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