SME Grading

When funding/liquidity is tough and competition hard, it is Crisil’s SME Grading that gives you the edge.


The grading showcases the capability and financial strength of an SME.


This is arrived at by analysing the operating performance and financial strengths. This reflects your SME’s creditworthiness compared with peers, and improves both, the credibility of your business and access to funding.



  • A Crisil SME Grading is an indicator of overall creditworthiness of an enterprise arrived at by analysing its operating and financial strength. A good grading provides comfort to all your stakeholders.
  • The SME Grading is provided on a 8-point scale.
  • SME grading from Crisil carries weight with lenders. Banks and financial institutions provide interest rate concession/relaxation in processing fee based on grading assigned.
  • Crisil has a large and well-equipped business development and analyst team to assign gradings
  • A grading certificate is provided to the graded entity. The distinctive QR code inscribed on each certificate can be used to confirm its authenticity. Scanning the QR code printed in the certificate will take the user to the official Crisil website URL that would display the graded entity’s name along with outstanding grading and validity end date.
  • Provides a trusted unbiased evaluation of your SME's performance
  • Enables access to funding from financial institutions
  • Helps improve visibility and credibility with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders
  • Empowers as a self-improvement tool

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Crisil Limited is registered as a research analyst under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014 with registration number INH000007854 for the service. Crisil Limited also engages in other business activities in the research and analytics domain.