Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise risk management is a journey. There is no out-of-the-box solution that can deliver strategic and systematic risk management capabilities across an organization. Every financial service firm must go through the complicated evolution of establishing effective risk governance, building out customized risk management infrastructure, and implementing robust risk-management processes.

Crisil understands that every ERM program is influenced by organisational culture, values, strategy, and business goals. We work with our clients through every step of their journey to create a unique, holistic ERM system tailored to manage any and all uncertainties facing their businesses.

Solution Components

  • Framework and Policy Management - Design, Diagnostics and Benchmarking
  • Governance and Risk Appetite
  • Culture and Conduct
  • Risk Management Maturity
  • Risk Management Training
  • Reputation Risk Management

Crisil EDGE



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Looking for high-end research and risk services? Reach out to us at:


United States
+1 646 292 3520


United Kingdom
+44 (0) 870 333 6336



+91 22 33 42 3000 /
+91 22 61 72 3000