Financial Crime Management

Crisil is one of the world’s leading providers of Financial Crime Management Solutions. Crisil's solutions enable organizations to combat evolving financial crime threats and challenges in their business, while also meeting regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations. Our people have in-depth knowledge of the newest analytical techniques and innovative machine learning and AI methodologies used to combat financial crime.

Our deep experience in quantitative risk management and model governance makes us valuable partners in AML. Crisil partners with clients to manage AML model risk for machine learning, fraud detection, transaction monitoring, support for NYS DFS504.3, and Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO). We provide services across other AML activities ranging from client on-boarding, KYC reviews, sanctions & NNS, alert disposition and investigation, and AI solutions on behavioral analytics. In all those areas, we also implement models to enhance operational efficiency. Our proven track record in optimization methods reduces false positives, leading to decreased operational overhead.


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Crisil EDGE



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United States
+1 646 292 3520


United Kingdom
+44 (0) 870 333 6336



+91 22 33 42 3000 /
+91 22 61 72 3000