Upgrading a UK Bank's Trade Surveillance to make it more Effective, Efficient and Compliant with New Regulations

Client: UK Bank




Enhancing a UK bank’s trade surveillance system to improve performance and ensure compliance with new Market Abuse Regulations (MAR)


Crisil’s Solution


  • The Crisil team reviewed the client's existing trade surveillance model, conducted the gap analysis (on regulatory changes) and implemented the changes to make the solution more efficient and effective.
  • Analyzed the parameters in current scenarios and further refined them to generate more meaningful alerts in market and trade risk activities;
  • Assisted in development of new scenarios and parameters to generate alerts on Market and Trade risks, including:
    • Market manipulation Risk: Algo trading, Wash Trades;
    • Trade Data Risk: Stop Loss triggers, Fix Manipulation;
    • Suspicious Transactions: Insider Dealing, Partial Fills, Front Running, Best Execution.
  • Designed automated system in which alert reports can be directly loaded into integrated dashboard to monitor and investigate the trade alerts easily.


Client Impact


  • The client met market abuse guidelines defined by FCA and improved its governance framework around trade surveillance in short span of time.
  • Integrated Dashboard for alerts reports enhanced review efficiency and facilitated micro-analyses on trade risk alerts.

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