
We are the leading provider of debt and hybrid indices in India. We maintain 154 standard and over 100 customised indices that are used by mutual funds, insurance companies, provident funds, and investors in Indian markets. Our expertise in fixed income valuations is a key input to our indices.


We also maintain 13 indices for Sri Lankan fixed income market.


Apart from the various marked to market indices, we also provide customised Held To Maturity (HTM) indices that are used as benchmarks for fixed income portfolios that are held to maturity.


 Notice for Maturity proceeds re-investment into bonds/CP/CD for target maturity funds : Know more


 Notice for Crisil Indices - Scheme Benchmark Code: Know more


 Change in Rebalancing dates for 2 Constant Maturity indices used by Passive Funds: Know more


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For Consolidated rollover details for portfolio effective as on March 03,2025 click here


Click here to view notices

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 The objective and criteria of above mentioned indices are created basis discussion(s) with individual asset management company(ies) before the launch. Once the indices are launched, the application of criteria and / or any criteria review thereafter, is carried out by Crisil Limited independently, without any inputs or intervention of the asset management company(ies) . The detailed methodology of such indices can be accessed from the drop down above. 





© Crisil Limited [2013]. All Rights Reserved.


Each Crisil Index (including, for the avoidance of doubt, its values and constituents) is the sole property of Crisil Limited (Crisil). No Crisil Index may be copied, retransmitted or redistributed in any manner. While Crisil uses reasonable care in computing the Crisil Indices and bases its calculation on data that it considers reliable, Crisil does not warrant that any Crisil Index is error-free, complete, adequate or without faults. Anyone accessing and/or using any part of the Crisil Indices does so subject to the condition that: (a) Crisil is not responsible for any errors, omissions or faults with respect to any Crisil Index or for the results obtained from the use of any Crisil Index; (b) Crisil does not accept any liability (and expressly excludes all liability) arising from or relating to their use of any part of Crisil Indices.



  • Reach out to Crisil Analysts to know more about Crisil Indices

  • Dinesh Agarwal
    Business Development
    +91 9324296928

    Dharmendra Sharma
    Business Development
    +91 98189 05544

  • Bhavik Bhathgara
    Associate Director
    Fixed Income Research
    +91 9594888728

    Tanvi Pawaskar
    Senior Business Development Manager