Page 85 - CRISIL ESG Report 2023
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    GRI std & code
 GRI Disclosure
 Describe actions taken to manage the topic & related impacts, including:
i. actions to prevent or mitigate potential
negative impacts;
ii. actions to address actual negative impacts,
including actions to provide for or cooperate
in their remediation;
iii. actions to manage actual & potential
positive impacts
Describe how engagement with stakeholders has informed the actions taken and how it has informed whether the actions have been effective
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans
GRI 202: Market presence
202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts
203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts
GRI 204: Procurement practices
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers
GRI 205: Anti-corruption
205-2 Communication and training about anti- corruption policies and procedures
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
Page 63 ESG Databook - Table no.8
For details:
Page 25-26 ESG Report: Data privacy and Information Security
Page 24-25 ESG Report: Ethical Conduct
Page 22-23 ESG Report: Strong governance oversight
Page 28-29 ESG Report: Risk Management
Page 25-26 ESG Report: Data privacy, data protection and security
Page 44-45 ESG Report: Talent management, learning and development Page 46 ESG Report: Human rights
Page 38-43 ESG Report: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Page 30-36 ESG Report: Environment
Page 53-55 ESG Report: Sustainable supply chain
Page 51 ESG Report: Stakeholder Engagement
Page 63 ESG Databook: Table no. 8
Page 27 ESG Report: Risk management
Page 171 AR: Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss
Page 30-36 ESG Report: Environment
Page 63 ESG Databook: Table no.8
Page 253 of AR: 2.16 Retirement and other employee benefits
CRISIL’s remuneration framework is merit-based with linkages to individual and company performance and is guided by market practice to provide competitive levels of compensation to employees. CRISIL ensures that its human resources policies are designed and implemented incorporating principles of equity, consistency and fairness across its diverse employee base
Page 65 ESG Databook- Table no. 12
Page 58 ESG Report: Creating sustainable infrastructure
Pages 49-50 ESG Report: RBI’s MoneyWise Centres for Financial Literacy (CFLs) Page 17-18 ESG Report: Aligning with UN SDGs
Page 46-50 ESG Report: Driving Social Change
Page 53 ESG Report: Governance around supply chain Page 54 ESG Report: Supply chain diversity
CRISIL’s code of ethics covers prohibition of bribery and corruption. For details, refer to ‘CRISIL Code of Ethics’ on Page 24 of ESG Report.
No instances of bribery/corruption took place during the year, including any employees of the company. The Company blacklisted two vendors for two incidents, involving offer of bribes.
GRI 201: Economic
                             ESG Report 2023 83

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