Page 84 - CRISIL ESG Report 2023
P. 84
GRI std & code
GRI Disclosure
Processes to remediate negative
2-25 Describe entity’s:
a. commitments in the remediation of
negative impacts, including approach to identify and address grievance
2-26 Describe the mechanisms for individuals to:
i. seek advice on implementing the organization’s policies and practices for responsible business conduct;
ii. raise concerns about the organization’s business conduct
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations
2-28 Membership of associations
2-29 List of stakeholder groups
Identifying and selecting stakeholders
Describe entity’s approach to engage with stakeholders, including:
i. the purpose of the stakeholder engagement. ii. How the organization seeks to ensure
meaningful engagement with stakeholders 2-30 Collective bargaining agreements
GRI 3-1: Process to determine material topics
3-1 a) Describe the process the organisation has followed to determine its material topics
3-2 List of material topics
3-2 Changes in the reporting
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics
3-3 For each material topic reported, describe the actual and potential, negative and positive impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights
Describe its policies or commitments regarding the material topic
Page 27 ESG Report: Grievance Redressal
Page 27 ESG Report: Grievance Redressal
Page 58 AR: Compliance monitoring framework
Page 94-95 BRSR Report-Principle 1 Leadership Indicator
Page 60 ESG Report: Responsible Public Engagement
Refer to Stakeholder Engagement Policy available on our website at https:// investors/corporate-governance/CRISIL- StakeholderEngagement-Policy.pdf
Page 51-52 ESG Report: Stakeholder Engagement
Page 99-100 BRSR Report-Principle 4 Leadership & essential indicator
CRISIL recognizes the right to freedom of association in accordance with the laws of the land. However, we do not have a recognized employee association.
Page 19-21 ESG Report: Materiality assessment & Business strategy
Page 20 ESG Report: Materiality matrix Page 63 ESG Databook - Table no.8
No change
Page 63 ESG Databook - Table no.8
Page 91 BRSR report - Section B Management and Process Disclosures
Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics
Compliance with laws and regulations
Membership of associations
Approach to stakeholder engagement
Collective bargaining agreements
82 ESG Report 2023
GRI Content Index