Real Estate & Project Financing




Learning Outcomes


  • Understand Indian real estate market, including major players, trends, and financing roles of banks and NBFCs.
  • Master the elements of project financing, conduct thorough due diligence, and execute financial appraisals using essential ratios and methodologies, with practical training on cash flow preparation in Excel.
  • Develop and analyze discounted cash flow models, conduct sensitivity analyses, and calculate key investment metrics like IRR and NPV to inform real estate investment decisions.

Target Audience:


  • Credit & Risk Managers of Banks, NBFCs and Financial Institutions that are specializing in Project Funding -Developer Funding.
  • Heads of Wholesale Lending Verticals in Banks & NBFCs
  • Sales and Credit Administration Officials of Banks and NBFCs dealing in Real Estate Financing

Day 1


Session 1

  • Introduction to Real Estate Market, Real estate Funding & Project Finance
  • Indian Real Estate Market

Session 2 


  • The Role of Banks & NBFCs in Real Estate Financing
  • Benefits of Government Initiatives and Subsidies
  • Project Finance
  • Due diligence
  • Project Finance Appraisal- Non-Financial & Financial aspects

Session 3


Real Estate Financial Modelling


  • Understanding Real Estate Finance -Definition, Characteristics, Key risks
  • Types of Financial Modelling

Case Study on Financial Modelling


Session 4


Preparation of Cash Flows


  • Discounted Cash Flow Model
  • Discount rates to be used
  • Sensitivity Analysis in Project Cash Flows

Real Estate Funding-Case Study for Discussion the next day


Day 2


Session 5


  • Alternative Financing Models - Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs):
  • Introduction to Net Operating Income (NOI)
  • Calculation & Interpretation of Net operating Income (NOI)

Session 6


  • Project Finance Case Study (circulated on Day 1) Discussions

Session 7


  • The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016
  • Implications of SARFAESI Act and Insolvency & Bankruptcy Act on stressed assets under Real Estate Funding

Session 8


  • Trends and Challenges in Real Estate Finance

Training dates - August 08 - 09 , 2024

Training fees - ₹ 28,000 + applicable taxes