To impart holistic understanding credit rating domain
To help understand what can be expected from a rating agency
To help distinguish the rating quality of one credit rating agency and the other
To understand the flurry of regulations the sector has seen in the past couple of years and its impact on various stakeholders
Target audience
Professionals from corporates/banks handling LC transactions
Executives and managers from corporates/banks looking to enrich their working knowledge of LCs
Professionals looking to understand and avert discrepancies in their LC transactions
Trade finance professionals (operations/ compliance/ risk/ sales) in banks who have already worked on LC transactions
Course Structure
Day 1 - Duration 3 hours
Session 1
Definition of Credit Rating and Overview of credit rating market in India
Rating Products, Rating Scales, Criteria, Methodology and Processes
Session 2
Comparison of Indian rating scale with global rating scales
Credit rating Revenue models
Day 2 - Duration 3 hours
Session 3
Application of credit ratings Making full use of ratings
Session 4
Key issues and regulations for credit ratings in India
Trainer Profile
He is a chartered accountant with about 17 years of experience including over 12 years of experience in credit rating domain. He had earlier worked with IDBI Bank Ltd and CRISIL Ltd. He has extensively worked in credit rating of financial services companies including banks, NBFCs, HFCs, broking companies small finance banks and insurance companies. He has particularly specialized in gold loan companies, MFIs, retail asset NBFCs and affordable housing finance companies. He has worked with clients across the rating spectrum - from B category to AAA rated clients and across geographies in the country. Having been a rating committee member at CRISIL enables him to bring in macro perspectives as well.