Solar Grading

Setting up a solar project?


As you’d know, ensuring commercial viability can be difficult.


That’s why the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) provides subsidies to companies under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM).


But to get subsidy, you need solar energy gradings from Crisil.


Such gradings reflect our opinion on the performance capability and financial strength of your project.

  • Given our extensive experience and expertise, the MNRE mandated us to develop a detailed analytical framework to be used in grading channel partners
  • The grading process framework was developed after wide-ranging discussions with stakeholders. It was validated using a comprehensive exercise that involved testing the framework on entities identified by MNRE, which then adopted and approved the framework
  • The grading scale based on the framework is '1 - 5', indicating performance capability, and 'A - E', indicating the financial strength of the project
  • The quality grading your company attains is valid for two years from the date of report generation
  • Gives you easy access in bidding for MNRE projects
  • Establishes your credentials as a viable player who can deliver projects, enabling you to attract customers
  • Helps differentiate your offering from the products of peers, enhancing profitability
  • Enables you to satisfy lender requirements in your quest for capital
  • Reassures customers with regard to your capability and finances

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