Analysing complex financials - Learn to read between the lines of annual reports of SMEs and large corporates

Training dates - February 21-22, 2022

Training fees - ₹ 15,000 + applicable taxes




Programme Objectives


  • The course will provide participants a toolkit to navigate the voluminous annual reports of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and large corporates
  • The learning is designed to help participants also effectively analysis the financials of corporates with multiple lines of activities and operating across geographies.
  • This course will help the participants to learn the nuances of analysing complex financials of companies, and would have been provided with an infallible methodology to arrive at a new way of interpreting it and arrive at a definitive conclusion.


Target audience


Credit analysts, credit managers, risk managers, senior relationship managers in marketing, mid- and large corporates, and branch managers handling large portfolios


Course Structure


Day 1 (duration 4 hours)


Session 1

  • Brief about current accounting standards in India, compliance requirements, broad outline on Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / Indian Accounting Standards


Session 2

  • Reading audited reports of listed / unlisted companies (SMEs and large corporates), analysing financial statements, taking into account the ‘fine print’ or required adjustments,


Session 3

  • Classification of assets, liabilities, intangibles and fictitious items in balance sheet


Session 4

  • Ratio analysis and cash flow and fund flow pre and post- reclassification exercise


Day 2: Duration – 4 hours


Session 5

  • How to do a detailed financial analysis


Session 6

  • Auditor’s report, notes to accounts, treatment on contingent liabilities-derivatives, forward cover, letters of credit, group company guarantees, minority interests, disputed liabilities, capital commitments, leases


Session 7

  • Cash study approach to understand creative accounting by corporates and its impact on the financials, and financial analysis of balance sheet post incorporating changes to the reported figures.


Trainer Profile


He is a senior banker with more than 3 decades of experience in Public sector, private, foreign bank & NBFC. During his career he has set up the Retail Banking Division & was the Country Head of Retail Liabilities & Preferred Banking. He also set up the first metro branch of a leading foreign bank at Chennai, headed the New Products Division & the Internet Banking Division. During his association with these organisations he has managed large corporates, SMEs & MSME’s right from, the marketing, relationship management, credit appraisal & monitoring. Has also held positions at CXO level in a Pharmaceutical Company, Consumer Durable Manufacturer & an Affordable Housing Finance Company.


He has been regularly conducting training programmes for large corporates, SME & MSMEs for banks & NBFCs in India. He has also conducted training programmes for the Sri Lankan banks. During his consultancy experience he was instrumental in setting up an export division and restructuring of facilities with the banking system for his MSME & Consumer Durable Company in India.