Non-Financial Risk

Over the past decade, non-Financial Risk has grown exponentially in magnitude and complexity, increasing both the importance of non-financial risk management and regulatory scrutiny on this emerging risk category.

Financial institutions have a host of new tools to manage non-financial risks. However, dynamic changes in technology, extensive process automation, and greater dependence on systems instead of people have also made the risk-management process more complicated, expensive, and challenging.

In this rapidly evolving environment, a robust, business-aligned risk-management strategy is a core requirement for sustainable growth and development. It can also provide a competitive advantage.

Crisil helps our client take risks to create value and manage risks to preserve value. We do this by blending strong domain knowledge, global experience across all non-financial risk disciplines, advanced data analytics and digital capabilities with proprietary methodologies and tools.

Crisil's combination of expertise in executing and managing diverse risk-related engagements globally, in-depth understanding of geography-specific regulatory requirements, and pool of experienced professionals enables us to help customers drive the right culture within their organisations and optimise the management of risks, both financial and non-financial.


Enterprise Risk Management


Technology Risk


Risk Data and Reporting


Risk Transformation


Financial Crime Management


Operational Risk Management


Regulatory Risk and Compliance



Crisil EDGE



Knowledge Centre




Case Studies

Enterprise Risk Services

Financial Crime Management

Regulatory Risk and Compliance

Risk Transformation




Looking for high-end research and risk services? Reach out to us at:

United States
+1 646 292 3520


United Kingdom
+44 (0) 870 333 6336



+91 22 33 42 3000 /
+91 22 61 72 3000